Friday, December 30, 2011

End of the year rides

Wednesday and Thursday I didn't have much time for a long trail ride so they were both short but interesting.  On Wednesday I got an early start cleaning the barn and the I was done by 8am and was on the trail by 8:30.  It was a summer time schedule at the end of December.  Anyway when I usually leave to ride on Wednesdays about 9:30 I run into a group of walkers leaving the trails as I'm getting on the trails.  It is a group of older men, there used to be just 3 of them (I called them the Tres Amigos) but now it is up to 5 I'm told.  So today there were just 2.  They were on the trail ahead of me (about 1/2 the cow pasture ahead) and we ended up going on the same trails the whole time we were out there.  Zoe noticed them, was curious-not sure but we kept going and we ended up right behind them on the way out.  Once she realized it was just people they were pretty boring.
Thursday I headed out about 1:30-kind of a late start for me.  On this ride we kept meeting other horses.  2 at the beginning and 2 on the way home in the cow pasture.  On this second meeting Zoe got a little barn sour and called, had a little too much energy going home.  So we decided to go home but work at the same time.  Sidepassing, collecting, figure 8's.  Soon she was calmer and we just walked home nicely.
One nice thing about both of these rides was a collected canter.  The first day I asked for a lope going up the racetrack.  Zoe collected right away.  She tossed her head a bit and I asked her to push thru that emotion and do it calmly.  She did.  I've never felt her so smooth, calm and collected.  It was like we were flowing together.  Wow.  I've never had that before.   Thursday I asked again and she did it again.  Not sure if this will happen with other horses around but it was nice these times.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 Vista Ride

It was a great day for a ride.  We have been very spoiled with the weather lately.  Clear and sunny, cool, no mud-awesome.  So today I went for a ride with 2 friends.  Zoe rode with Sky and Dune.  I've been thinking of doing this ride for about a week.  I wanted to go to 3 vista points along Folsom Lake-Dottie's Hill,  Lookout Rock, Inspiration Pt.  Today we did it.  We all took turns leading or being in the middle or being last.

                     At the top of Dotties Hill

 At the top of Lookout Rock.  We took the back way to get there.  No rain has kept the trail in good condition.  Once it starts raining heavily this trail can get dicey.  There were three 4-wheelers parked on the rock and one came while we were talking to the drivers.  They were very nice and understood our horses need to have some space on the trails.  So no great picture at this spot, just one over the top of Zoe's back.  They said they'd watch out for us but we never saw them again.  I think I heard them on top of "the rock" on the way back but we went around that area on our way home.

                        At the top of Inspiration Pt.

The only potentially scary part of our ride was on Lomida.  They are building a back fence on the road.  There were workers, skill saws, cones, trucks, music, piles of lumber and a fence.  Everything looked different.  Zoe was in the lead on the way out and gave it the "ear".  At this point in the ride we were on the opposite side of the road.  On the way back Sky was in front and neither horse cared about it.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Update on switching rein hands, scary fence building on Lomida

It is getting easier to ride with my reins in my right hand.  It felt very awkward at first.  I've only been at it for a week.  Still not second nature yet.  Yet Jim said my seat was better today, I stayed centered.  I'm trying to use both hands or if I use one - to mostly use my right hand to hold the reins.

Today Skippy was in front on the way to Inspiration Pt. starting at the green gate on Lomida.   Zoe was fine with being the last horse.  She could keep up with Skippy, altho Skippy was not going her fastest.   It was a hazy day, I was surprised that the water could be seen in these pictures.  I was afraid that the sky and the water would blend together.

We did come across something interesting.  The first house on Lomida on the left is putting up a fence.  They have cones, boards, yellow caution tape, and posts in the ground.  Zoe was in the lead and gave it "the ear" as we went past.  She also slowed down "should I be worried?" she said.  On the way back she was in the lead and she did a bit better-still gave it "the ear".

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cold morning

So I went riding this morning before work.  I knew it was cold but didn't realize it was this cold until I went to work and saw this.  Someone at work left the sprinkler on the round pen fence all night.  Nice icicles.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hand position affecting seat, picture of Kristy's igloo

Today's ride was nice.  We did alot of trails in the reverse direction that we usually go.  It was interesting to see these trails in a different way.  I like doing that.

Today I purposely put Zoe 2nd in the trail order (or last since there was only the 2 of us).  I wanted to see how she was going to do with a faster horse in front.  Skippy, the other horse, is usually faster.  Today she had her fast moments but mostly went along at a "medium" speed.  Zoe did fine being in the back no matter what speed Skippy was at.

Towards the end of the ride Zoe took front.  It was a good chance to have my equitation checked by the back rider.  This can be interesting.  Today it turned out really good.  I usually lean to the right in my saddle and I seem to be constantly shifting my weight to the left and pushing down in my left stirrup to "even" myself out.  Jim's good at telling me when I'm off center.  But today I discovered something else.  When I ride with all my reins in one hand they always end up in my left hand, therefore my left shoulder is shifted ahead of my right shoulder, therefore my weight is shifted to the right side of my body, therefore I tend to lean to the right when I ride.  So when I put all the reins in my right hand and held my left hand straight out in the air to my side I was straight in my saddle.  Hmmmmm.  I didn't think about my hands affecting my seat.  It was nice having the back person there to evaluate the different things I would try.  So for the next month I need to remember if I'm going to put all the reins in one hand to use my right hand.  They say you have to practice something for 21 times to get it to be a habit.  I figure a month ought to do it.  I hope this will also help out any saddle fitting issues I might have.  Lately Zoe has had dry spots on the left side - we will see.

Also got a picture of Kristy's igloo.  I love it when rocks make shapes that look like something.  I've ridden past this rock for years and never noticed that it looked like something...until Kristy said something.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm tired of thinking of titles

It was a longer day at work today and I was running late for a horseback ride with some friends.  I finally made it.  The ride made the events of the morning melt away.  It was good to go riding with friends.

Going up Dottie's Hill was a bit exciting at first.  Friday first, Zoe next, and Sky last.  When we picked up a trot Sky though it was time to charge up the hill.  His rider quickly squelched that idea but not before Zoe thought "Run! Can we really run up the hill...okay".  No not okay-you have to slow down now.  Friday said "what's going on back there, should I get excited?"  He was the calmest of the bunch.  So we walked up the hill.  Sky and Zoe had to be checked back frequently, and told to "walk" many times.  At the top we stopped to talk, take pictures, then went down the same hill we just came up.  Time to try it again with some trotting and better mannners.  We only went 1/2 way down, put sensible Friday in front and tried it again.  Much better.  If we had more time I would have liked to go all the way back down to the beginning and trot it again.   We will work on that one some more.

               View at the top of Dottie's Hill

All in all it was a good ride.  We all got to lead, went many places, tried different speeds, even named a landmark after Kristy.   I'll have to take a picture of it next time.  Kristy's igloo rock.  It really looks like an igloo.
On the way back I decided to pick up the bag of leaves the gardeners had left at the side of the trail.  It had been sitting there for almost 2 months now and they haven't picked it up yet.  So I emptied the leaves and took it back home.  Nice training tool.  I handwalked the road with the bag in my hands.  Sometimes I waved it around, sometimes it dragged on the ground.  Zoe didn't seem to care.  Back at the barn she got to wear it-of course.  She probably was sighing "why?"  The barn manager just laughed at us.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Windy rides

November ended with wind and December started with wind.
Yesterday's ride was down to the canal trail by myself.  I started before the wind came up so most of the time it wasn't too windy.  Zoe did good with the "scary" rocks.  She got to lope some, but not enough for me to figure out her attitude.  We will be working on that one.  She minded me pretty well.  We started out in the cow pasture and headed towards Sterling Pt.  When we got to the rock dam it was getting windy so we opted to cut off towards the Pioneer Express Trail and took the Lake Forest Trail back to home.  Saw a buck on the way back.  By the time we got to Lomida it was pretty windy.  I got off to walk the roads back home and I noticed Dune and Friday (with riders) going out on the trail.  I hope they had a good time.  Zoe wasn't spooky about the wind.  She was very aware of things, but didn't get spooky.  Good ride.
Kerrie's rock---even more exposed 

Buck we saw on our way home 

Today's ride was different in that it started out windy and it got even more windy as the ride progressed.  We (Sky, Zoe and riders) decided to stay in the forest, maybe the trees would shelter us from some of the wind...and it did.  We even made it up to the ridge to see down town Sacramento and the coastal range.  It was a very clear day with all the wind blowing away the smog.  A great view and it wasn't too windy so we decided to try the overlook to the cow pastures (or meadows).  I've been trying to get pictures of some fall color in this place.  Today's picture was a little better, but the wind has been blowing all the leaves off the trees so I'm not sure it will get any better than this.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still trying for that fall color

Still trying for the fall color pictures.  The ridge is getting more color but could be better....maybe next week. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holding my breath ride

Today's ride was pretty slow.  We -Jim and I- went out with Dottie and Georgie.  So all of my horses were out and Georgie was on Boomer.  Boomer was doing fine at first then got a little pushy, not listening to slow down cues-but turned into a jerk 1/2 of the way thru and really did a bad thing when we were the farthest from home.  But it all turned out okay.
Here is a picture of one of the ridges we were on before Boomers rear.

So at the bottom of the ridge Boomer crow hopped, Georgie disciplined, Boomer reared on a 45 degree hillside with his hindquarters higher than his head.  (Horses never cease to amaze me with their athletic abilities)  Anyway Georgie stayed on.  Kept her body perpendicular to the ground as the horse was up but when he came down, she forgot to change her position and was on his neck and almost off to the side.  At least he stopped while she slowly figured out how to get off the horse.  As it happened we all held our breath and prayed.  She walked for a while, got on, but the horse was still a jerk and would not pay attention to her slow down cues and he insisted on being in front.  Front was the safest way to get her home, but she was on his head the whole time-not good since this horse hates that.  We concentrated on getting her home and letting someone else deal with the horse's bad behavior...since Georgie will not be riding that horse ever again.

But the whole experience was interesting.  Each rider was helping and encouraging.  Everybody I ride with is great...we all help each other out.  Each of the other horses was calm and that helped.  When Boomer reared, Zoe was a little nervous-took a few dancing steps but she listened to my calm down cues and was fine.  When Georgie found a place to get back on, we all surrounded her -a hill on one side, Skippy in front, Sky behind, and Zoe to the side.  We tried to put Zoe in the lead - a slower calmer horse, but Boomer would have none of it.  Fine...just follow.  He walked pretty fast so we trotted every now and then to keep up.   At the beginning of the ride we did "popcorn" and sometimes Boomer was behind Zoe.  The last 2 rides Zoe hated Boomer behind her...and I made her deal with it.  This time she was okay with Boomer behind her.  When something happens like this you always go back over things in your mind and wonder if you could have done things differently.  So we got a chance to talk about it on the way back....all helpful and encouraging.

So we got home safely but I don't think I will be going out with Boomer again-unless one of the trainers at the barn is on him.  This is the 3rd ride Zoe and I have done with him, each time with a different rider and each time the horse was bad.   I don't like to say that about a horse but in this case I think he needs a trainers help, I was proud that Zoe did her best with Boomer today, but I'd hate to think of one of my friends getting hurt on him.  It would be interesting to go out with one of the trainers tho...see what she does with the horse and see if my horse will still be good...of course she would be good "a horse lives up to or down to your expectations".

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today my mom took me on a ride.  She said she wanted to go up on the ridge that overlooks the meadows.  She talked to the barn manager for a while, then she forgot her helmet and we had to go back.  Finally on the trail.  We loped up the road the PGE workers flattened out.  She wanted me to lope the whole thing!!!  I tried to ask if we could slow down....maybe bring it down to a trot, but she urged me on.  Then we turned around and walked almost all the way back down....Why?  She said it would be good for me.  So did we go home?.....after all we were going back towards home....but no, we turned left and continued to the other side of the meadows.  Up the hill and on the trails.

Turned left to go up the ridge

But....why do we have to stop to take pictures.  She says it's good for me to stop and stand still for a while.  Sigh.  Ok.  On we go to the top....
 Here we are at the top...she says she wanted to get a picture with some "fall color" in it...whatever that is.  She says there's not much color yet and we will have to come back...sigh, why.

On the way out we have to go past this rock....she calls it a "knee knocker rock"  Doesn't bother my knees...why?

We finally get to move out again, now to the top of the ridge and (sigh) she stops to take another picture. Why?  She says on a clear day you can see a place called down town Sacramento.  I don't see anything like that.   Now we get to go on a nice ride.  We go many places, but she keeps turning away from home....why?  She says it's good for me.  Oh well, off we go.  Now we are on the way home and ... sigh.....another picture stop

I don't see anything here except the tree on the rock.

Now I know we are on our way home and she stops again...why?  A birds nest in a bush...really.

Then we have to stop 2 more times for pictures....why?  She says at least she got a few pictures with fall color in them.  Oh well at least home isn't far away., grass, my bucket, a good roll......

But no.....why?  There is a big noisy thing in the barn yard and she insisted that I stop to look at it.   I was a little concerned at first, but quickly got used to it.  But she didn't want me to get too close.  She said something about staying off the concrete.....why?  Oh well, soon.....freedom and a good roll.

She says we didn't go on a very long ride and can do a few more things....why?  So she pops these things around me....says I need to get used to the noise-something she is working on.  The noise really doesn't bother me anymore.  So she decides to wrap me up in the things that make noise.  Sigh.....why?  

FINALLY  grass yum yum yummmmmm....excuse me I'm busy eating.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Canal trail, deer leg, road work, shims

Wednesday's ride was fun, no wind.  I'm glad the wind is gone today.  We went to the canal trail-again.  Zoe is getting used to it again.  She is continuing to do well with the rocks-no stopping to be "scared".  I usually enter thru the cow pastures and go up towards Sterling Pt.  Zoe has done so well with the rocks that after the "rocky part" she tends to want to be "scared" with the rest of the ride.  Really......(sigh)  She doesn't spook or stop, but seems to be wary.  Something to con't to work on.  One good thing-she didn't try to eat AT ALL on our ride.

On our way out we saw a deer leg on the was on the big high road thru the 2nd cow pasture.  It was a front leg, from the knee down.  No signs of a struggle, matted down bushes or grass, no carcass to be found.  I think something dropped it going from point A to point B.  Zoe didn't seem to mind it.   Later we saw a buck bounding away....I think my bells scared him.  (By the way he had all 4 legs)  My barn manager said she has been finding bear scat out there.   I'm not sure a bear would take down a deer.  But a mountain lion would.  Just a reminder that we ride with the wild critters.  My first barn manager once said that there is always something watching you out there....comforting thought.   I do tend to look out farther ahead and I tend to look up in the trees too....since bears climb trees.  

PG&E is working on the road going from the cow pasture up to the "red hill" area or "grand central station" (depending on who you're talking to).  It usually has deep ruts in it.  I guess they decided to smooth it out for doing work in the future.   There were large trucks and tractors, beeping and making lots of noise.  We just took a different road to the high road in the cow pasture.  Zoe didn't seem to mind.  They have tried to "fix" that road before, but every year the rains carve deep ruts in the road.  I'm not sure I want to travel it anytime soon.  Don't want my horse to step on something that looks solid on the surface but still has a big rut underneath it.  I know it will be fine in time.  It was getting really messed up and I was thinking that this winter it would be hard to travel on.  So in time I'm sure the dirt will settle, rains will come and it will be better to travel on.  It will be fun to see the horses reaction to the changes.

I'm going to try a shim in my saddle pad on the right side.  Zoe has been having a large dry spot on her left side.  I tend to lean to the right.  Maybe there is too much pressure on the left side as the saddle presses in to the left side.   Or maybe it is the shape of her back.  The left side has a bit more muscle that  the right.  The right slopes off faster than the left.  A shim should help that too.  Anyway we will see after the next ride.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Canal trail again/spooky things on Lomida and @ home

Canal trail again today.  I love that trail.

Kerrie's rock 

Weird erosion formation.  It almost looks like a pipe sticking up out of the ground with a man hole cover over the top of it.  

Dottie and Sky by the rock dam-I've always liked that rock dam 

The scariest thing on our ride-a gardeners burlap full of leaves, on the Lomida trail on the way home.  We couldn't pass it without snorting and going out into the road.  Before we got to this point I noticed that a UPS truck and an Alhambra water truck went up the road past us.  So I knew they were going to come back down and pass us again.  And I didn't want to try to pass the burlap with traffic, esp big truck traffic, while my horse was dancing and snorting in the road.  So we decided to get off our horses and introduce the burlap with horses in hand (listening to that small voice that says to change something here)  Zoe got up to it, sniffed it and said "oh, it's a bunch of leaves-can I eat some?"  We stepped on the burlap, kicked it around, walked past it several times.  Then got back on and rode past it with no problems.  I think I will bring one of my husbands burlaps to the barn to play with it.  

When we got home - since no one was in the arena - I decided to drag the metal trash around.  For the most part Zoe did good.  She spooked a little when we pulled it alot as we were backing.  I had to let go.  But we did the same thing in smaller increments and eventually were able to back up with it.  A friend helped me out by rolling the can around me - all the way around me.  Zoe took a step away at first, but then stood still for the whole thing.  Her ears were focused on the I can tell she was keeping an eye on it-just in case.  So I think we will be doing this activity again.  Poor Zoe, got a mom that likes to work on the scary things.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Potpourri of thoughts-canal trail, scary things, "should have's"

Today I got to go on one of my favorite rides-on the canal trail.  A friend has been posting that it is now open and it was great fun to go.  There is a section of the trail that Zoe tends to get spooky about.  She doesn't - or maybe I should say didn't-PAST TENSE- like the rocks in sections going around bends.  But today they were no problem.  I didn't want to travel the trail all the way to Sterling Pt. so I turned around and headed back after we finished the rocky section.  So Zoe had to deal with all the rocks in reverse.  She did good then too.   I have been working on scary, spooky things at the barn the past 2 weeks.  I wonder if that has helped?

Scary things-lately has been the metal trash cans.  Zoe has never liked the metal trash cans, therefore I always tie her by the trash cans and over the years she has learned to tolerate them.  But when one of my friends sorts and combines the trash and Zoe happens to be tied there....well...Zoe is not happy.  She usually steps back to the end of her lead rope.  She doesn't pull back, but you can tell that she is uncomfortable.  So I've been playing with the trash cans and she has gotten used to them.  While I'm on the ground I can set it next to her, beat it so it's noisy, tip it over, roll it around her, push it under her, roll it up to her front feet and she stands still.  While I'm riding I can do the same.   However I realized that I can do all of this in the barn isle or in the arena.   But when I tie her in the spot by the trash cans...well she isn't as comfortable.  So I have to work on these things in that certain spot.  Funny how the location makes a difference.

Today Dottie and I were talking about the "should have's" or "should not have's".  Those things that we should listen to the little voice inside of us that says-maybe you should change something here.   She is recovering from broken ribs and is doing well.  Today she was out on Sky, coming home from a ride with Cheryl, and the street sweeper was sweeping the street on Lomida-coming towards her on the opposite side of the street.  The little voice said to get off....but instead she stayed on, the sweeper went by, she turned to go and got a lope down Lomida towards home.  She was able to get control back and made it home ok.  I was on the canal trail and contemplated how to get thru some of the drift wood piles when the little voice said to get off and clear the trail.  I didn't and we stumbled thru....made it thru fine but the potential for injury was there-and it would have been better to err on the side of caution to make sure my horse wouldn't be lame.  Sometimes I think I'm too's an interesting issue.  Caution to make sure I'm safe but also remembering that to push thru something can increase confidence for me and my horse.  It's a balancing act, each situation can be different-depends on so many things-concerning both the horse and/or the rider and who you are with or by yourself out on the trail.  I know I will always have the "should have's" in my life but hopefully I learn from them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Well it's that time of the year....getting ready for winter.  I've been working on Skippy and Zoe's place.  Last month I made sure the drainage ditches were clear leading away from my pasture.  Then it rained a few times and I got to "tweek" my ditches.  Last month I put more dirt/gravel mix on my horses pad under their shelter.  I fixed the boards that hold the dirt/gravel in place.  And I patched a few holes in the ground that tend to become puddles that get bigger as  the winter months go on and on and on....  Today I painted the boards in my fences with some "no chew". It seems to keep them from chewing on my boards.  You see I really don't own horses....I have beavers disguised as horses.  During the winter months, especially when it is storming, they tend to chew on my boards....fence boards, manger boards, posts, boards to hold the dirt in place.  I think they tend to get scared and that is one of the ways they relieve their stress.....because it usually happens when it is storming-rainy, windy, thundering, etc.  Anyway I thought I was done, but alas....I forgot to do my other horse-Sky's place.  All I need to do is paint the "no chew" on the boards that keep the sideways rain out of his spot.  You see, not only does he chew when it storms, but the other horses in the pasture tend to "help themselves" when they want to chew on something.  Winterizing, at least we don't live farther north-I'm sure they have much more to do than this.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Zoe's attitude when I return from my trips

I've not posted anything for about a month.  Been busy with family matters, recently my father-in-law died and I have been gone for a few weekends in a row.  My blog today has to do with being gone and returning.  Since I have been back Zoe has been pretty good.  Only one crazy thing...see words at the end of blog.   Rides out have been great.  No pent up emotional outbursts on the trail.  When she was younger I would have expected that.  But I guess Zoe being almost 10 years old is working in my favor.  Recently I went met some people from work for a trail ride.  It was their first time out on our trials on their horses-one of them had been out running on the trails, but got lost.   Anyway they were late getting to our meeting place.   We met across the street from FLEC.  While we were waiting we worked on our arena lessons.  There is a nice circular area there and it made for a good place to practice collection, moving off my leg in a large circle.  We were able to move towards the center of the circle and then move back out on the circle-at a walk and a trot.  We did figure 8's.  We practiced sidepassing.  There were even some puddles and we could practice walking thru them.  Sometimes we stopped working and looked at the scenery.  Sometimes she thought she needed to pay attention to the horses in the pasture next to us, which was ok if we were stopped and resting, but not ok if we were working.  Darn those ears give her away every time!!! So we could practice paying attention to me.  It didn't take too much work to get her focused back on me.  Anyway I was happy that she went to work for me and she didn't paw the ground being impatient.  And it had been a while since we had been out on the trials due to my recent traveling plans.   I went to lessons last Tuesday evening and it was raining.  We did lessons anyway.  At first Zoe was a little irritated with the rain, but once we went to work she was fine.   I rode part of the lesson in my oilskin rain coat.  It was a bit bulky but once I went to work it was no longer a concern for me....until I started loping.  I was getting hot so I took it off.  Zoe did good for the lesson and didn't mind the large coat I was wearing.  Yesterday I had her out in the arena.  I was going to lunge her,  put the lunge line on her and she took off.  I just let her go, no sense holding on to that rope.  I took the rope off her and free lunged her for a while until I could tell she had blown off her energy.  I guess the recent rains and cooler weather finally got to her.  Anyway after she had been run around for a while and I could tell she was paying attention to me we tried the lunge line again.  She did great.  Even asked for a canter and she gave me a slow collected canter.  She's never done it collected before.  Hmmmmm.  
So all in Zoe is doing ok.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ride, new mask, picture

Today's ride was with some friends...same ride Prospector, HSB, Pioneer, Lake Forest.  Zoe did better this time.  I think the friends helped, but more importantly I think no loud boats on the Lake helped alot.  Looking forward to doing this ride again next week by myself again.  I'm sure it will be better.
We did see some deer...picture

Yesterday  I gave Zoe a bath and noticed some small white spots inside her left ear.  Trainer said it was a fungus and it was best to leave them alone.  I looked up ear fungus in horses on line and hit on Aural seemed to fit my situation.  I asked our surgeon at work this morning and he said it was Aural Plaques.  Caused by the same virus that causes warts.  They might stay small or grow larger.  It may or may not bother the horse at any possible stage of the growth.  He did recommend a fly mask with ears as flys bother the horses in this situation.  Apparently it's not contagious...but the vet recommended not touching them and touching another horses ears....that sounded weird.  There is a treatment he can do with Aldara Cream that seems to work.  I guess I will wait and see what transpires.  Anyway more pictures....

Now hopefully we will be able to keep a flymask with ears on the horse....and hopefully she won't tear it up....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coyote Picture

I have been trying for years to get a good picture of one of the coyotes that I see on my rides.  This one I happened to catch in the forest.  It was almost like he was posing for the picture.  I was surprised that I got the picture.  Zoe was so good and just stood still.  When the coyote bounded off she didn't spook...nice.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day ride-with a few surprises

No one was out at the barn today and I wanted to go in a direction that we did last week, towards Rattlesnake-partly.  So off we went.  My plan was to go Lomida, Prospector, HSB, Pioneer Express Trail towards Sterling Pt., take the Lake Forest Trail back to the cow pasture and go home.  And we did end up doing just that.  There was a surprise on the way out.  While we were on Lomida, someone in one of the houses to the left was shooting off a pellet gun.  We heard 3 distinct shots.  The first one-Zoe didn't care.  The 2nd one-seemed to matter just a little.  The 3rd one-she started to question my wanting to continue forward.  But just a few taps on her side and she continued.  Just one more thing to practice with my horse.  Zoe did great going up to and past the green gate on Prospector.  She did good on HSB road.  She did great going over the bridge.  Zoe was hesitating a bit on the Pioneer Express Trail.  I forgot that today is Labor Day and the boats were out on Folsom Lake, lots of boats, lots of noisy boats.  But she managed to hold it together and we got past the "scary noisy part".  Plan on going back lots of times.  I really like this ride.  And I miss the canal trail...can't wait until it opens up again.   Once past Long Bar she really knew she was on the way home and once on the Lake Forest Trail she did great.   We met up with another surprise.  We used to call this trail Barking Dog Hill....because of the nasty barking dogs that no longer live at one particular house.  But just after that house, down the hill, we pass another house on the right with a rod iron fence...that has a german shepherd that likes to rush the fence, barking loudly.  Zoe wasn't sure what to do and slowed down and almost looked like she wanted to kick out at the dog.  She only would have hit the rod iron fence...but I still didn't want her to do that.   I pushed her forward telling her to ignore the dog.  At that point the owner figured out that she needed to call off her dog-I'm glad.  Zoe held it together again....and off  we went, calmly down the next hill towards home.  Once on Lomida she did call out on the way home-she usually does that when I take her someplace different.  But she wasn't's just strange having such a vocal horse.  I'm getting used it her "talking".   Wednesday we will probably just ride in the forest.  I have farrier appts for my other 2 horses-so I don't have alot of time to work on things-I need a ride that will be easier for her.  I'm going to do the ride I did today again on Thursday-and I will have a friend with me that day-however Zoe will be taking the lead until we get to Long Bar.  Then I want to do it again by ourselves the following week.   I'm expecting it to get easier each time for her.   Horses "live up to or down to your expectations".

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Riding life with baby

In May I posted that my grandson, Zeke, was here and I wasn't sure about how that  would affect the time I spend with Zoe.  Well here it is Sept.  Both of Zeke's parents are back to work now.  I'm done helping out on Wednesdays and Thursdays - well mostly.  Life is settling down.  I do babysit on Fridays and I love every minute of it.  I have also cut down my work life at the vet clinic.  I've moved to a part time schedule-20-30 hours per week soon to be just 20 hours per week.   So now I know how the pieces fall for this season of my life.  I ride Monday and Tuesday early-5:30-6:30am in the arena.  Wednesday and Thursday are trail days-usually riding by 10am.  At least one of those days are by myself (and I might take 2 rides out with 2 different horses on that day) and one day with friends.  Fridays are a no riding day-babysitting.  Weekends are still tricky until my 20 hours per week start.  I usually ride out on the trails on Sunday mornings.  And sometimes I ride on Saturdays-if I work a Saturday I ride in the arena 5:30-6:30am, but if I'm not working - it depends on what's going on that weekend, but I usually try to catch a ride either in the arena or on the trail.  All in all I guess that makes about 10-11 hours per week.   Oh and I started back into lessons too-on Tuesdays, but I can only do them every 2-3 weeks.  So for now, this is how my riding life looks.
I also posted in May that I was trying to work on keeping my hands in better shape.  I've somewhat succeeded.  They are not as dirty as they once were,  I've managed to keep them cleaner.  My gloves disappeared, I need to get some new ones.  My hands are also not as rough as they once were...but they are not smooth either.  They still look like "working outside" hands.  But I'm happy that I was able to make some improvements.

The Right "Stuff"

I've had Zoe for 9 1/2 years.  In that time I've tried many different things-talking about tack or equipment for myself.  One thing I've noticed is - for me - it can take a while to find the right stuff.  Rarely do I stumble upon something that works - and works GREAT - the first time.  Recently I got tired of my cell phone holder.  It was falling apart.  It wasn't really a cell phone holder but a camera case that my phone fit into and I made a velcro strap to go around my leg.  I've tried alot of different ones and have some requirements I feel necessary for this holder.  Anyway this one was falling apart and I needed a new one.   I finally found one at a running store...Fleet Feet.  It met my requirements and I'm happy - and $32 is gone. Oh well, the price of something that works the way I want it to.  This got me to thinking about most of the tack and equipment I use.  The "stuff" that I like and works GREAT usually costs some $ - no getting around it.  This includes my saddle, saddle pad, riding pants, riding shoes, saddle pack, trailer, truck, helmet etc.  I still have some things that I want-don't we all.  I will be looking to change some things for the better "stuff" and I guess I'll have to save my $.  In the meantime.....I'll be using my regular "stuff".

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rattlesnake ride

Today Zoe, Sky and riders met Dune and rider at the green gate.  We weren't sure where we wanted to go. It was getting hot and we met at 10:30.  We decided to go to Rattlesnake....only not to go up to Sterling Pt. but to go Prospector to HSB and catch the trail to Rattlesnake.  It was much cooler and shady.  The heat wasn't too bad.  We all took turns leading and taking different positions on the ride.  All the horses did great.  Zoe tends to be a bit trepidatous on the first part of this trail by the she got to do front.  I figure the more she takes the lead there....the more she will get used to it.  We will be going again, and again, and again.
Pictures...evidence that we were there.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Whisper Whinnies

Last Wednesday I took Zoe out by herself.  Sometimes she whinnies as we are going away from the barn.  When she was younger it was whinnies and a not quite so calm attitude.  Now it's just sometimes a whinny.  I usually ignore her and we keep on going in the direction I want to go.  Sometimes I say "hey, hey, hey-none of that".  Well today she tried to whinny, I said "hey" and she ended up with a whinny under her breath- a whisper whinny.  It was so funny I had to laugh out loud.  She does have personality.

Our ride was a practice of our riding lesson that we had the night before.  Yup we started up lessons again. Boy did I miss them.  There were just 4 of us and we mostly worked on getting our horses to listen to us just by using our seat-in various ways for various things.  Anyway it was a chance to use the lesson out on the trail.  So I didn't go very far...did a variation of the hour loop.  She did good at paying attention to what I wanted-just using my seat.  I usually use my seat to convey my directions but was even more conscious of it after last night.  We did need some work on trotting-staying in the slow trot after going faster.  At first she will stay there for about 10 strides then kick it up to a faster trot without me asking.  Maintaining the same speed without me getting on her case (either faster or slower) would be good.  She finally did it much better and we stopped working on that one.

There was a tree down on the trail.  As usual-most horses do this-she gave it the evil wasn't there last time we were here.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Separation, deer and a runner

Today's ride, Thursday, was a good ride.  I love it when my horse does good and she has done good for the last 2 rides.  I went out with a friend - who rode Sky.  Yesterday my friend saw a mountain lion at the top of Beginners Hill...she was there in the afternoon.  I was there that morning and saw nothing...but I did notice that it was very quiet and I thought that was unusual-don't know if the 2 are connected.  Anyway today we stayed away from Beginners Hill and went all the way thru the cow pastures to the KBB Hills.  I wanted to try some more separation.

On the way there we saw 2 beautiful bucks, 4 points on each antler, still in velvet.  They didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave the area.  I could sense that something was up ahead on the trail and Zoe did too-her ears were different.  So I made some noise, didn't want to catch something unawares and have them jump out in front of me.  So as we rounded a corner going uphill, there they were.  The horses didn't seem to mind them either.  They stayed around so long that I could have gotten a good picture...but I didn't get to it.

The horses did great with the separation.  We only did it at a walk and only 2 times.  At the top of one of the hills where we met up again, we met up with a runner-one of the vets from work.  It was nice to talk to her for a while-about 30 minutes.  She and I are going to met up and go riding sometime.  She was out checking out the area by running.  She seemed to be okay with her direction and she separated from us.  We did another separation only this time it was different.  My friend was unsure of her direction on her trail so she backtracked and came up the trail I came up on.  It was was still a good separation  practice.  But she did take longer to get up the hill to us.  In the meantime Zoe did a good job of just standing and waiting.  She didn't get upset or impatient.  I was proud of her.  So together we went back down the hill and got to have my friend lead the way up the hill so that she could be sure of herself the next time we do this.  I tend to take things slowly with my horse.  I've seen too many people get into trouble trying to do things too fast...skip steps.  If I can think of a way to break something down into steps, do the steps, then eventually I will get the task accomplished.  So today we walked for separation.  Next time we will trot some.   These are great hills to get this done.  When my friend and I were separated she could not hear the bells on my I don't know how much good the bells do.  Animals hear better than we do so maybe they are doing some good to warn the wildlife that we are coming.  However the last 2 days they didn't worry the deer any....they just stop and stare at us.

We were on the main road before heading down to the cow pastures when we met up with the vet again.  She had parked her truck across the street from FLEC and had entered the forest thru the narrow twisty trail.  Now she had just ran down to the cow pastures and was unsure of herself.  She didn't go thru the cow pastures to get to the KBB Hills so she turned around probably trying to find something familiar to get her on the the right trail back to her truck.  The only problem was that she was headed in the opposite direction....and sure she might have found something that looked familiar....but she admitted that she was lost.  So we took her to her truck.  Good thing we ran into her again.  It would have been a long run back to her truck.   We did some trotting on the way back, after all the vet was out for a run and wanted to continue running so we trotted some.  This was interesting because the horses could have said "home, fast, okay.....faster, faster, faster."  But they didn't.  They were quite willing to slow down and sometimes wait for the vet to catch up.  Good ride.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mylar balloons

Today's ride was pretty mellow compared to last week's ride.  Last week Zoe was in a hurry to get home and it was bothersome to constantly be asking her to slow down-last week we started out moving fast.  This week she was in no hurry to get home.  I tried not to be in a hurry to get out on the trail and although we did trot at the beginning, I didn't ask her to trot her fastest.  So I guess we started out pretty relaxed and it transfered to the whole ride.  We even met up with 2 other riders and followed them for a little while then turned on a different trail.  Zoe was fine with that too.  I ran the GPS on this ride and our fastest was in the middle of anything that we have ever done.  I think I will like to work on going faster and being calmer on the way home.  I would like to figure out if last week was a fluke or if I need to be working on something. 

Anyway on the way home I found a mylar balloon.  It had been sitting on the trail by the green gate for some time now so I decided it needed to come home with me.  I had fun with Zoe and my other 2 horses and the balloon.  No one horse decided that they couldn't stand it.  So that was good.  The only reaction I got from any of them was from Zoe.  She decided that she didn't like it up by her ears--she didn't panic only raised her head and looked at me like "WHY?" and "REALLY?"  I could put the balloon everywhere else though....I even tied a baling twine to it  and pulled it between their front legs and back legs, under their tails, over their backs.   The balloon was slightly flat so I could roll it between my hands and it made a wonderful crinkly noise....that didn't seem to bother them.  I should try it while I'm riding Zoe....I guess details will follow.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Friday's ride

     We got the opportunity to ride with a friend that we don't get to see too often.  It was fun.  We only went in the forest, but did many different things.  There were 3 of us.  We changed places, walked, trotted, up hills and down hills, separated some, backed up hills.    
     One of the things I liked was being 2nd or in the back while we were going faster.  Zoe needs practice at this...doing it without tossing her head or breaking into a lope when she could just be extending her trot.  My friend's horse has a nice big trot so we got to practice this while she was in the lead.  
     Zoe usually doesn't like being in front, but I put her in front on so many rides that she is getting used to it.  Today when she was in the front she sometimes spooked at silly things, but went back to work.
     We did a little bit of separation-almost forgot about doing it.  At the KBB Hills Zoe was watching my friends horse go off in a different direction and she almost wanted to run up the hill to catch up with her, but I made her walk.  We need to do more separations in the KBB Hills.
     An interesting thing we did was to back up out of the creek by the green gate.   I've never thought of doing that in that place but it was a good thing to try.  Zoe did good, she hesitated a little 1/2 way up the hill....but with just a little urging continued to back all the way up.    I will have to try that again.  
     All in all a good ride.  
     Back at the barn another friend was playing with a big American flag in the arena while another friend was lunging her horse.  It looked like fun to try the I asked if I could do it.  The answer was yes but not in the arena...the horse in the arena was scared of the flag.  So they said it would work best in the barn yard.  I was okay with that.   So Zoe was fine with the flag.  I could put it over her head, drag it on her head, wave it wildly over her head, walk in any direction...didn't matter which side of the horse the flag was on.  But......the horse in the arena-didn't like me playing with the flag.   He took off, ran away from his owner, took the lunge line with him.  So I decided the flag could wait for another time.  We seemed to be doing fine with it anyway.   Another day.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh deer

Today was our first ride out after camping.  I should know better than to go out fast and expect a slow ride back.  Zoe was more than willing to move out and to keep moving out.  It was like riding Skippy-the sportscar.  The way back she was in a hurry to get home...was listening somewhat.  She didn't break into a trot but was walking fast.  So we played with the slow down ideas.  I wish I had more time to work on it today, but I had to get back home by 1pm.  She will probably be fine the next time out by herself.
Our title today-deer.  We did come across 1 young buck trotting up the trail behind Elephant Rock.  Zoe did a few steps to the side and stopped to look as the buck bounded off into the bush.  She usually does pretty well if she can see what it is that is bothering her.  (Except for mountain lions)  Once we saw that deer and she figured it out we picked up our trot and continued on.  On the way back we were on the road that parallels  the trotting trail.  We were just coming up to the places where the ruts are bad and the trees are down.  We were working on the "slow down the walk" idea when we heard loud crashing sounds to the left.  Zoe stopped to look and it was fine with me to stop.  Next thing I see are 2 deer- a fawn with spots and it's mom- frantically running down the hill and heading straight for us.  Now there are alot of thoughts that go thru my mind in just a few seconds.  Heals down.  Both hands on reins.  Stand my ground...if I move my horse will probably think it has to run also...the deer will probably go around us.  However they didn't look like they were going to go around.  So I decided that talking would help.  So to not bother my horse too much I say-in my happy voice-"Oh look deer are coming".  As soon as I get those words out of my mouth, they swerved at the last second and passed in front of us about 2 yards away.  I say "Oh look the deer are going" again in my happy voice.  Part of my talking was for Zoe's benefit and the other part was for what had spooked the deer in the first place.  Maybe my talking would scare that away too.   So now the deer are bounding off to the bushes to the right.  And I'm looking to the left to see what - if anything- is coming.  Nothing else was coming.  So again in my happy voice I say "Well that was interesting, let's keep going down the trail".  Zoe all this time was really good.  She didn't jig, she didn't get tensed up.  She was very much aware, but not spooky.  Phew!  We continued on our trail ride and still had to work on the "slow down the walk" idea.  


This year's trip to Euer Valley was great.  We brought 3 horses:  Sky, Skippy and Zoe.  They all did great. There was no sillyness or rushing or competition among them.  Every ride out was calm.  Sometimes they were unsure of things, but managed to "deal with it".  The creek was running higher and the way around the bridge with the metal road was not we got to ride across the bridge.  Horses were unsure at first.  I decided to get off and walk Zoe across and we lead everyone else across.  The rest of the time we all took turns at riding and leading across the bridge.  There was only 1 time that Zoe didn't want to lead- on the way back, and there was 1 time that Skippy didn't want to lead - on the way out.
The rides were great....we managed to get 2 in a day.  When we got up high the scenery was terrific.  We only had cameras working part of the time so pictures of views from up high are scarce.
Zoe did a good job leading on one of the was a ride up a ridge where you could see the next valley over-Carpenter Valley.  The last time we lead up there she balked alot....but this year she was a real trooper....just wanted to keep going.  On that ride were 3 steep hills to go up...ones that you don't want to look back down where you came from-just keep looking where you want to go.  Zoe lead up one and did a great job.  After a while we switched places and Skippy lead the rest of the ride and up the next 2 steep hills.  While going up one of the hills I almost lost my cell phone-the holder on my leg was holding on by a thread-literally.  I just happened to look down and see my problem-phew!
I was able to use my GPS on some of the rides.  I had to wait until we got home to see the maps but it gave me a greater map than what the managers of Euer Valley had to offer.  
We did have bears in camp everynight.  I managed to sleep thru all of their visits so I was told what happened...but apparently the horses did fine.  They acknowledged the bear by getting slightly worked up...moving of feet was heard.  Only one night did Skippy snort.
The bugs in the Valley, especially in the afternoon, were numerous.  Sometimes flys on the trails in the afternoon were bad.  I guess it was the result of such a wet long spring.  The last day the breeze came up and the bugs weren't so bad on our rides.  Our camping place was fine...we are up above the valley so the flys and bugs weren't so bad.
Everything was soooo green and the flowers were beautiful.  Again the result of the long wet spring.  Apparently Euer Valley opened up July 4th-a full month behind scheduled.  Nice on the rides with all the green and flowers.  Nothing was mucky.  I remember in years past that some of the vegetation was dried up and when the wind blew thru it it sounded like a rattlesnake...made the horses nervous.  But not this year.
I forgot how much the horses liked grazing in the meadow.  Zoe LOVES to roll and roll and roll.  They all rolled but I think Zoe did the most.  I could see the joy on her face as she rolled.
I think this is our 7th year there.  It is Zoe's 5th year.  I can see how Zoe has done better each year we go.  She is used to it now.  There is something nice about seeing her and the other horses be so relaxed....a true vacation.  I can appreciate the "sameness" of the place we truly leads to a relaxing vacation for horses and humans.  We will try another place someday...we are talking about saving up our $'s for Point Reyes. 

View of the valley from our camping spot

      Zoe leading up one of the trails
  Jim and Mario ahead of me....nice, green, and flowery this year

   Georgie came to visit one afternoon.      

       A different view of Euer Valley

                          Zoe and me

            Zoe loves that meadow grass

              Carpenter Valley