Friday, February 28, 2014

Note to self…again

Seems like I spend a good amount of time making sure that my horse has good footing out on the trail.  I'll avoid or go around "nasty" spots.  But I also need to make sure that I spend time watching out for my own footing as well.  That way maybe I won't roll my ankle when stepping off the tractor.  Ouch!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

September interruption

So this September this blog will once again be interrupted by the birth of another baby!  Exciting times!

Comfort zones

Zeke is a fearless 2 (almost 3) year old.  He loves his horses.  He has a book that he loves called "The Big Red Barn"  He call this place his "Big Red Barn".

It's a good thing these horses are so good with little people.  I still watch him closely tho.  

Starting From Scratch

Today I had my second dressage lesson. We covered things from my first lesson plus added a few more things. I don't know what I was thinking-I thought I knew how to ride a horse but sadly I've been mistaken.  All in all I feel like I'm starting all over again, in a good way.

I knew my ever wiggling hands and feet would get me in trouble and sure enough it was one of the first things we worked on.

My horse is on the lazy side of life and over the years I do a lot of the work for her- meaning I keep her going instead of Zoe keeping herself going. My horse has me trained really well that way.  So now I'm retraining myself and Zoe too.

The way I learned how to ride is now obsolete. Look, leg, rein doesn't apply anymore. So getting what I want happens differently.  I totally have the mental picture of what I'm supposed to be doing, physically doing another story.

I need to find more time to practice.  Even tho my lessons are every other week, I find that I need more time.  It would be great if I was a "natural" at this, but sometimes I have to work at it.  I suppose in time all these new things will become second nature.

It's a good thing that I can relearn something AND my horse can relearn something.  My horse will probably appreciate all this as it means that she will be able to use her body more effectively.

I guess as time goes on I will be better at explaining how things are so different now.  But for now I just want to think things over and practice, practice, practice.