Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lessons better/ankle better

Today was another dressage lesson, the 4th one. I was so happy-I got a complement!  He said my hands and feet were doing better! And my horse and I were doing better with different gaits. Progress. We didn't work on anything new, did more work on the leg yields. Zoe seems to do better at them at a trot because we have some forward momentum going. At the walk she seems so slow but he says that's okay. So we will work more on "form". I'm enjoying these lessons, there is so much precision, careful thought, physical demands on my horse and me-it's challenging.
On another note my ankle is now normal colored, but not normal in function. I'm convinced that nothing is broken but the muscles, tendons and ligaments are still sore.  Not as sore as the beginning, the swelling is down, not as painful but there is still a stiffness. I expect it will take more time to get full function back. But it is getting better.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lesson and ankle update

My ankle still hurts. I'm totally weight bearing, the bones seem fine but the tendons and ligaments are protesting. And my foot is a rainbow of colors. However, I can still ride my horse. Stubborn I am. It doesn't bother me to ride at all. So with that in mind I went out for a short trail ride on Wednesday. Zoe and I did fine. It was nice to get out on the trail. The past 2 weeks have been rainy or I have been recuperating from my ankle injury, so I have only been riding in the arena.
I had my third dressage lesson on Thursday. We worked on my feet staying still-again.  I must be doing a bit better because we didn't focus on it as much as before.  I have some ideas to help me with that.  My hands must be doing better because we didn't get reminded about them as much.  We cantered again and I really like her at the canter in my lessons.  She reminds me of a rocking horse.  We also worked on leg yields, inside leg to outside rein.  Lots to remember.  I have an extra week to practice this month as my next lesson is at the end of the month.  Hopefully I will make more progress.