Saturday, January 5, 2013

Vet wrap & saddle bags

One of my horses, Skippy, lost a front shoe.  We decided to try an Easy Boot on our ride today.  She could probably go without her shoe but we erred on the side of caution and used the boot.  Only thing is I wasn't sure it would stay on.  It seemed just a tad too big.  Saddled the horses, out on a test ride.  Lost the boot 3 times in 2 miles.  Yup, too big.  So to remedy that situation I decided to put vet wrap on her foot then put the boot on.  Zoe and Skippy were very patient with all the stopping we did on this ride.  I carry lots of things in my saddle pack and vet wrap is one of them.  Only I discovered that my vet wrap was old.  Very old.  I did manage to get it unwrapped, ripped alot of it in pieces to get a solid strip going, tried to do it with minimal lumps in it-finally got her foot wrapped and the boot back on.  We decided to keep it at a walk with a few slow trots and try not to go on many technical up and down hills.  The boot stayed on.  Yay!  But one of the morals of the story for me concerned my old vet wrap. I need to go thru my saddle pack on a more regular basis and take stock of what is in there and replace old stuff.  Also need to pick up a smaller Easy Boot.

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