Sunday, December 8, 2013


Thursday I chose to ride in the arena even tho it was in the middle of the day.  Time was short so I wanted to ride and be able to accomplish things in a short amount of time.  My horse would rather have me space out, try something for just a minute or one time around the arena then stop or poke around the arena with no plan in mind.   I have found that riding in the arena takes focus.  Especially when you are short on time.  For example - can I trot around the arena collected and side pass on and off the rail on the long sides?   Not at first.  It seems so simple but not today.  I found that focusing on what I wanted to do, focusing on where I wanted to go (not just 5 feet in front of me) focusing on my seat, focusing on my feet, focusing on my cues, focusing on the position of my hands-sounds like work.  And it was.  But I found when I really paid attention to what I was doing, my horse did much better.  Most of my rides in the arena are short-Monday before work, Tuesday before work and sometimes on Friday before I leave to pick up Zeke.  So I have learned how to focus.  It has really helped my riding.  In other areas of my life I can use that ability to focus to block other things out and focus on the task at hand with the tools I have to accomplish that task.  I do have a choice, to focus or not to focus...

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