Friday, July 26, 2013

Finally a post

Seems like this summer has been a time of trying to get past big events.  At work we got a new computer operating system-learning curve again.  My workplace moved...lots involved there.  I'm the inventory manager for a horse hospital, so I was in charge of moving all the supplies.  After we moved I had an inventory to do.  Then I had a large endurance race to pack supplies for all the hospital trucks going to this race.  (Which means when they get back I have to unpack said supplies)  At home I decided to clean out the shed and turn it into a fort for the grandson.  And in my own personal horse world I decided to take lessons for a while.  See previous post.  This summer I've spent much horse time trying to put my lessons to work for me.  I'm one of those people that practice during the week what I learned at lessons-want to get the most for the $ I'm spending.  I do manage to get out on the trail at least twice a week but the rest of the time I'm in the arena practicing.  So all this to say that I've not been posting for a while but I've been busy.

I'm trying to get ready for a dressage test that we are going to have at the annual horse show at my barn this October.  I'm not sure I'll be ready.  But I'm having fun trying and I find that my horse is more responsive to me.  In any case I'm sure this is a "win-win" situation.  Dressage-seems to be the ultimate in pleasure and equitation all rolled into one.  And my equitation is not the greatest so it is quite a challenge to me, but if I get myself on the right track it will only help my riding.  I have a really bad habit of moving my feet/legs and my feet end up too far into the stirrup.  I have a few ideas to work on that and will post about it in the next week.  But it sure is alot of work for both me and my horse.  My horse is one that moves heavily on the front end, partly because she is down hill to the withers.  It is a challenge to keep her light on the front end.  I tend to urge her on with my feet-a habit I got into when she was a young horse, just learning to be ridden.  But it is a bad habit now, I find that I am working too hard while riding her-she needs to be doing more of the work.  So I have figured out how to just ride and let her do more of the work and we both are doing better.  Once she gets going she has an extended trot-the back feet reaching under her and exceeding the front foot fall and it feels like I'm floating.

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