Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fly masks

I almost hate to say it, I might be jinxing myself but here it goes...all 3 of my horses have not destroyed their flymasks this summer.  Each one of them is still wearing the same mask they started with at the beginning of summer.  This is amazing to me.  Zoe usually goes thru a couple of them.  Sky gets about 2 a summer.  Skippy is the only one that seems to keep one mask thru the whole summer.  Maybe Skippy has been giving the other 2 lessons!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Summer sores

I hate summer sores.  This blog is usually about Zoe and me but this time it's about another horse I have-Sky.  He's been getting summer sores the end of every summer for about 3 years in a row.  I have an idea about this.  Every since I've been deworming him 2-3 times a year (dependent on his good fecal tests) I have to deal with summer sores.  So I think I'm done with the 2-3 times a year deworming and will go back to my old schedule.  Maybe he's just a horse that needs to have the extra protection.  We'll give it a try and hopefully I'll remember and write about it in a year and it will be better.  Anyway here are some picts of this year's sore.  I've been working on this since July and here it is Sept 23 and it's finally healed.  Wrapping and Prednisolone.  Normally I don't give the Pred for this, but this one was nasty.

Rain in September

I love going on a ride after it rains.  I say that now-in Sept.  Come March, I may not be so happy about the rain.  But it's been a normal long dry hot summer, so in Sept I can appreciate the rain.  It smells so good, the dust is down, no wet slippery spots yet, the horses have been worked all summer so they are obedient (for the most part), it's not freezing cold yet, the poison oak isn't so "juicy" so it's harder for me to get a rash, animal prints are easier to identify, the "naked ladies" are blooming, did I mention that it smells so good....  I'm sure there are other things that will come to mind after I finish writing.