Monday, February 18, 2013


So I've been taking pictures of the different types of fungi that I find on my rides.  I'm sure I don't have all of them in pictures but here are quite a few.  We had alot of rain at the beginning of winter.  I started taking pictures at the end of 2012.  Now we have had a long dry spell.  We usually hit a dry spell in the middle of winter.  This year the dryness is lasting a long time.  I'm not necessarily complaining, it makes for some nice dry trails this time of the year, but we do need the rain.  I might add to this as the rainy weather progresses...if it ever gets wet enough again to let the fungi grow.  I want to add a warning...NEVER EAT ANY OF THESE!!!!!

I found this across the street from the barn 

Older one from across the street from the barn 

Hanging off of a tree...ugh!

Different types of "flaky" ones 

Even found some white "flaky" ones 

Yellow "blobs" with "flaky" ones 

These were very tiny...only 1/2" tall.  Found on trail on way to FLEC

These were on the forest floor 

Forest floor 

Forest floor 

Forest floor 

Forest floor 

My "space ship" mushroom 

Tall and thin 

Different kind of "flaky" fungi